The Bite size Japanese Podcast

En podcast av nihongo_layla


564 Avsnitt

  1. 29 Podcast毎日出します!| I'll upload a new episode everyday!

    Publicerades: 2022-03-14
  2. 28 | 3 kinds of polite language in Japanese | 3つの敬語の種類 | Japanese Podcast

    Publicerades: 2022-03-14
  3. 27「よろしくお願いします」を使う5つのシチュエーション |Japanese Podcast

    Publicerades: 2022-03-07
  4. 26 Tips for my productivity | プロダクティブな毎日のコツ | Japanese Podcast

    Publicerades: 2022-03-03
  5. 25 How I learnt to speak English | 英語をどうやって勉強したか | Japanese Podcast

    Publicerades: 2022-02-28
  6. 24 My dreams | 私の夢 | Japanese Podcast Ep24

    Publicerades: 2022-02-24
  7. 23 Advanced (fun) adjectives to show your personalities | 性格を表すことば| Japanese Podcast Ep23

    Publicerades: 2022-02-21
  8. 【This is about my New Podcast Patreon!】

    Publicerades: 2022-02-19
  9. 22 Why I'm so into walking |ウォーキングにハマってる理由 | Japanese Podcast Ep22

    Publicerades: 2022-02-17
  10. 21 Why I decided to teach Japanese | 日本語を教える理由| Japanese Podcast Ep21

    Publicerades: 2022-02-14
  11. 20 Announcement! | お知らせです!

    Publicerades: 2022-02-10
  12. 19 My trip to Australia | オーストラリアに旅行に行った話 | Japanese Podcast Ep19

    Publicerades: 2022-02-07
  13. 18 My weird trip to England | イギリス旅行でやばかった話 | Japanese Podcast Ep18

    Publicerades: 2022-02-03
  14. 17 My parents reaction to my English boyfriend | 外国人とつき合った時の親の反応 | Japanese Podcast Ep17

    Publicerades: 2022-01-31
  15. 16 Let's change your mindset | マインドセットを変えたら人生が楽しくなる | Japanese Podcast Ep16

    Publicerades: 2022-01-28
  16. 15 How to learn vocabulary fast | 単語をはやく覚える方法 | Japanese Podcast Ep15

    Publicerades: 2022-01-24
  17. 14 I can't stop eating tapioca... | タピオカにハマった | Japanese Podcast Ep14

    Publicerades: 2022-01-19
  18. 13 The secret of the rabbit island in Japan | うさぎ島のひみつ | Japanese Podcast Ep13

    Publicerades: 2022-01-17
  19. 12 How I became 5 times more productive | どうやって5倍プロダクティブになったか | Japanese Podcast Ep12

    Publicerades: 2022-01-14
  20. 11 |4 Keypoints for Language learners | 言語の勉強で大切な4つのこと | Japanese Podcast Ep11

    Publicerades: 2022-01-11

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This is the perfect Podcast for Japanese learners to improve their Japanese listening skill!! I’m going to talk about anything related to Japan and my life. You can get transcripts of all of my episodes on my Patreon! きいてくれてありがとう!❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ - Layla from Bite size Japanese