En podcast av Michael Shellenberger
99 Avsnitt
Google CEO Pledged To Use AI To Counter “Fake News,” Racism, And Populism After Trump Victory
Publicerades: 2024-02-28 -
Robert Epstein: How Google Manipulates Us
Publicerades: 2024-02-28 -
Cambridge University Climate Scientist Denounces “Climate Emergency” As “Noble Lie”
Publicerades: 2024-02-25 -
FBI And Secret Service Are Covering Up What They Know About January 6 Bomb Scare, Evidence Suggests
Publicerades: 2024-02-21 -
Freddie deBoer: How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement
Publicerades: 2024-02-08 -
Rob Henderson: Social Class, Elite Virtue Signaling, and "Luxury Beliefs"
Publicerades: 2024-02-05 -
Democrats Spread Russia Collusion Disinformation To Weaponize The FBI
Publicerades: 2024-02-03 -
Groups Investigating Death Of Critically Endangered Whale Take Wind Industry Money
Publicerades: 2024-02-03 -
The People Trying To Censor Us Are Government Spies
Publicerades: 2024-02-01 -
Monica Harris: When It Came To Race And Sex, Generation X Had It Right
Publicerades: 2024-01-29 -
Gary Taubes: Pseudoscientific Dietary Dogma Caused Obesity And Diabetes Disasters
Publicerades: 2024-01-27 -
BOMBGATE: This Video Proves FBI Is Covering Up The Truth About The January 6 “Bomb”
Publicerades: 2024-01-26 -
Alex V. Barnard: Why So Many Of The Homeless Are Mentally Ill
Publicerades: 2024-01-21 -
A Riot Is Not A "Coup"
Publicerades: 2024-01-19 -
Why the Media Censors Trump
Publicerades: 2024-01-17 -
This Video Can Stop Totalitarianism
Publicerades: 2024-01-15 -
This Is The Most Terrifying Graph In The World
Publicerades: 2024-01-14 -
The War On Trump Backfired Due To Elite Arrogance, Tribalism, And Disgust
Publicerades: 2024-01-13 -
Ban Government Involvement In Sex Trafficking
Publicerades: 2024-01-09 -
Illegal Levels Of Whale-Killing Pile-Driving Noise By Wind Industry Documented
Publicerades: 2024-01-08
Reporting on humanity, civilization, and the environment