Little Kingdom Warriors - Practical daily routines for Christian families, simple daily rhythms for Christian kids, Discipling kids
En podcast av Brenda Courtice- Christian Parenting coach, Christian children‘s ministry, Christian Motherhood mentor - Måndagar

37 Avsnitt
16. How to be content as a stay at home mum: my top three tips
Publicerades: 2022-02-06 -
15. Four lessons we can learn from our kids - faith over fear mini series
Publicerades: 2022-01-30 -
14. Pregnant and unvaccinated; how I overcame the fear of being diagnosed as high risk when I got covid- Faith over fear mini series
Publicerades: 2022-01-23 -
13. Faith over fear – three part mini series- how can we have faith over fear when fear is all we feel? Three steps to conquering fear.
Publicerades: 2022-01-09 -
12. Four strategies to cope with criticism from those closest to you
Publicerades: 2022-01-05 -
11. Real life recap - my real mum struggles and an announcement
Publicerades: 2021-12-12 -
10. Finding rest in the busiest season of all- practical ways to rest this Christmas
Publicerades: 2021-12-05 -
9. Four easy craft ideas to connect your child with God this Christmas with minimal prep
Publicerades: 2021-11-28 -
8. Making Christmas count in the busy holiday season when you feel like you have no time at all
Publicerades: 2021-11-21 -
7. Paralysed by fear and worry? Four strategies I use to combat fear in my life
Publicerades: 2021-11-14 -
6. Three steps to overcoming perfectionism when discipling your kids
Publicerades: 2021-11-07 -
5. My top three tips for overcoming comparisonitis in a digital age
Publicerades: 2021-10-31 -
4. Should Christian parents let their kids celebrate Halloween and go trick or treating? What our family does, plus some alternative ideas.
Publicerades: 2021-10-24 -
3. Three reasons why we aren‘t doing Santa in our family
Publicerades: 2021-10-17 -
2. Three mistakes you‘re making when talking to your kids about God and how to solve them.
Publicerades: 2021-10-10 -
1. My story and why I began Little Kingdom Warriors
Publicerades: 2021-10-10 -
Trailer- What you can expect to get from the Little Kingdom Warriors podcast
Publicerades: 2021-10-02
Are you overwhelmed by the weight of your never-ending list of things to do but desperately want to invest in your kid’s faith life? Are you tired of the same old boring Bible colouring sheets but are struggling to find the time to come up with exciting (but easy) ways to engage your young kids in the Bible? Have you spent ages on the internet trying to find resources that are suitable for your children but everything you’ve found is too complicated for toddlers? Do you struggle even knowing where to start? I know how fast it is to become so overwhelmed that you don’t even know where to start because that’s where I was. What if I told you it doesn’t have to be so hard and you can totally fit it in without it seeming like yet another thing to do? What if I could show you some simple ways to engage your kids so they are excited about learning Bible stories and concepts? I am lover of all things creative, an ex-primary school teacher turned stay at home mum, and follower of Jesus. With two young kids under school age, I personally struggled trying to find resources to capture my children’s interest in learning about God. A lot of what I found was dry, or completely over their heads. It wasn’t simple or in toddler friendly language, so I started coming up with my own ideas to engage my kids in the Bible. As I did so, I began to wonder if other parents were also having difficulty engaging their children in learning about God just like me and so Little Kingdom Warriors was born. In this podcast, you’ll find out how to facilitate your child’s faith foundation through my own personal tips, as well as encouragement in your motherhood journey, inspirational guests who will share their personal insights and ideas and I’ll share easy, practical Bible play ideas that you can try at home with your young kids. Grab your strong coffee and a choccie and let’s dig in. ********************************* Connect with me on Facebook: Find me on Youtube (Channel is called Little Kingdom Warriors) where I do tutorials on how to set up small world Bible play: Website: Email me at: [email protected] Sign up for my mailing list and get your free Bible Play checklist here: