It’s A Mimic!

En podcast av It’s A Mimic!


559 Avsnitt

  1. C012 - The Many Roads to Amelia: Madness in the Sand

    Publicerades: 2022-09-01
  2. G07 - Giant Summer Special - Hill Giants, Part 2

    Publicerades: 2022-08-31
  3. E186 - Off to the Races - Goblinoids: An Evening with the Perfect Host

    Publicerades: 2022-08-30
  4. G06 - Giant Summer Special - Hill Giants, Part 1

    Publicerades: 2022-08-29
  5. E187 - Class - Monks: Martial Artisans

    Publicerades: 2022-08-16
  6. E185 - Lore - The Lawful Planes: A Plane for Everything and Everything in Its Plane

    Publicerades: 2022-08-09
  7. G05 - Giant Summer Special - Stone Giants

    Publicerades: 2022-08-04
  8. E183 - Roleplaying: When Rollplaying Isn’t Enough

    Publicerades: 2022-08-02
  9. G04 - Giant Summer Special - Frost Giants

    Publicerades: 2022-07-28
  10. E184 - Dragon Mastery - Fizban’s Dragon Turtles: Steamy Times on the High Seas

    Publicerades: 2022-07-26
  11. G03 - Giant Summer Special - Fire Giants

    Publicerades: 2022-07-21
  12. E182 - Port-FOE-lios - Trolls: Generating Sub-Limb-inal Horrors

    Publicerades: 2022-07-19
  13. G02 - Giant Summer Special - Cloud Giants

    Publicerades: 2022-07-14
  14. E181 - Class - Wizards: Booking It Toward Adventure

    Publicerades: 2022-07-12
  15. G01 - Giant Summer Special - Storm Giants

    Publicerades: 2022-07-07
  16. E180 - Class - Clerics: An Affinity in the Divinity Vicinity

    Publicerades: 2022-07-05
  17. E179 - Off to the Races - Orcs: Playing Dumb

    Publicerades: 2022-06-28
  18. E178 - Lore - The Upper Planes: Goodness Gracious

    Publicerades: 2022-06-21
  19. M021 - Mailbag of Holding - Evil is a Spectrum

    Publicerades: 2022-06-20
  20. M020 - Mailbag of Holding - Way Too Much About Feet and BDSM

    Publicerades: 2022-06-16

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Join three Dungeon Masters with a combined experience of over thirty years in the hobby, as they come from different backgrounds and experiences to break down and discuss 5th Edition lore, mechanics, monster breakdowns, role playing, Dungeon Mastering, player tips, world building, storytelling, and other RPG and pop culture content. If you're interested in learning the game, looking to hone your skills as a player or DM, or trying to find some extra inspiration to take your game to the next level, then this podcast is for you.

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