Golpo | Stories From Around the World
En podcast av Rituparna Ghosh

78 Avsnitt
Season 2 | Ep 12 | The Fairy Shilling | An Irish Legend
Publicerades: 2023-02-17 -
Season 2 | Ep 11 | Master Karshush's Tarbush | A Folktale from Syria
Publicerades: 2023-02-10 -
Season 2 | Ep 10 | Educated Frogs & Martial Ants | Chinese Anecdote
Publicerades: 2023-02-03 -
Season 2 | Ep 9 | The Language of the Birds | A Turkish Tale
Publicerades: 2023-01-27 -
Season 2 | Ep 8 | When Humans had Tails | An Indian Myth
Publicerades: 2023-01-20 -
Season 2 | Ep 7 | The Magic Pear Tree | A Chinese Fairy Tale
Publicerades: 2023-01-13 -
Season 2 | Ep 6 | The Twelve Months | A Greek Folktale
Publicerades: 2023-01-06 -
Season 2 | Ep 5 | The Story of the Earth & Sky | A Nature Myth
Publicerades: 2022-12-30 -
Season 2 | Ep 4 | The Legend of Marianna | An Argentinian Legend
Publicerades: 2022-12-23 -
Season 2 | Ep 3 | The Legend of Gwashbrari | A Kashmiri Folktale
Publicerades: 2022-12-16 -
Season 2 | Ep 2 | In the Pits | Another Jewish Folktale
Publicerades: 2022-12-09 -
Season 2 | Ep 1 | Chelm Justice | A Jewish Folktale
Publicerades: 2022-12-02 -
S1 | Ep 26 | How Iron was Made | English
Publicerades: 2021-01-21 -
S1 | Ep 25 | Bamboo Curry | English
Publicerades: 2020-10-16 -
S1 | Ep 24 | Dumma Dumma | English
Publicerades: 2020-10-16 -
The Fox & The Tiger | English
Publicerades: 2020-07-29 -
Due Paakhi, Dui Pahad | Bangla
Publicerades: 2020-05-23 -
Bada Pahad Chota Pahad | Hindi
Publicerades: 2020-05-04 -
The Boy Who Wanted a Drum | English
Publicerades: 2020-04-13 -
Bidyut aar Baaj | Bangla
Publicerades: 2020-04-10
Golpo is the Bengali word for stories. It is a curious little word, both a verb and a noun at the same time. As a child Rituparna would insist on two stories and two songs every night. She would pretend to go off to sleep testing her parents to see if they'd finish the story they started to tell. When her grandmother told her stories she would kick her legs in the air fighting sleep before it wrapped her in. Golpo, the joy of oral storytelling returned to Rituparna's life as a mother. From a visual storyteller she discovered the magic of the spoken word all over again. Now a Performance Storyteller, Trainer, Consultant & Coach Rituparna is the Founder of ** *Your Story Bag* ( http://www.yourstorybag.com ) *.* Rituparna believes that stories bridge people & telling stories creates a shared experience. So whether you listen to these stories in the classroom, boardroom or living room, each of these stories will trigger conversations amongst people. Go ahead & try it out... If you like this podcast & want to support our work, you could Gift-a-Story ( https://pages.razorpay.com/GiftaStory ) and help us make Storytelling sustainable. You can follow Rituparna's content across Social Media with the hashtag *#StorytellingWithRituparna* Subscribe to her *Newsletter* ( https://aeed3c74.sibforms.com/serve/MUIEANeH_NJnNHEomI-mHnzyXsylUslyrMGTFsQdfzuYbR5Z6KVG3_WwGqYofOgXkZQtRsUJ8W0zT5NTWbiT7yi5Q93oPEaohxyX9kuAKa0mYGoL5MDHMSAATxn1W0tYvNqNr6sE1h0AkNLABBNZYQiOO9a43rW4SzMAzD7GvLBZkAea1u3r5Oecqmbbj6uENpCcO6sCclHVULGk ) Connect with her on LinkedIn ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/rituparnaghoshstoryteller/ ) , Instagram ( http://www.instagram.com/rituparna.storyteller ) , Twitter ( http://www.twitter.com/rituparna_ghosh ) or Swell ( https://www.swellcast.com/rituparnaghosh ) You can also write to her on *[email protected]*