1517 Blogcast

En podcast av 1517 Podcasts


1066 Avsnitt

  1. Q&A for "Where Two or Three Are Gathered"

    Publicerades: 2019-10-11
  2. A look at 2 Peter 1: Not a Cleverly Invented Story

    Publicerades: 2019-10-10
  3. Dorothy L. Sayers and The Council of Chalcedon

    Publicerades: 2019-10-09
  4. Glorious Scars

    Publicerades: 2019-10-09
  5. What Does this Mean: Union with Christ

    Publicerades: 2019-10-07
  6. Friendship and the Apologetics of Imagination

    Publicerades: 2019-10-04
  7. A Look at 1 and 2 Peter: Intro to 2 Peter

    Publicerades: 2019-10-03
  8. Knock! Knock! Who's There?

    Publicerades: 2019-10-02
  9. Mercy for My Neighbor

    Publicerades: 2019-10-01
  10. Theology and Philosophy: In Conversation with Robert Jenson

    Publicerades: 2019-09-30
  11. Q&A with Wade Johnston for "Let the Bird Fly"

    Publicerades: 2019-09-27
  12. A Look at 1 Peter 5: Peace to All in Christ

    Publicerades: 2019-09-26
  13. The Faith We Share: How C.S. Lewis and the Apostles’ Creed Can Help Us Understand Christianity

    Publicerades: 2019-09-24
  14. Forgiveness is the Foundation

    Publicerades: 2019-09-24
  15. Crucified Expectations: The Great Reversal of the Cross

    Publicerades: 2019-09-23
  16. Where Two or Three Are Gathered: An Introduction

    Publicerades: 2019-09-16
  17. A Look at 1 Peter 4: Suffering for the Sake of Jesus

    Publicerades: 2019-09-16
  18. Original Sin: What Does this Mean?

    Publicerades: 2019-09-16
  19. Saxon Visitation Articles of 1592

    Publicerades: 2019-09-16
  20. The Lord's Table Will Not Be Empty

    Publicerades: 2019-09-16

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The 1517 Blogcast is a daily, microcast of articles from 1517. These articles share insight from a community of writers communicating the proclaimed forgiveness through Christ's death and resurrection, the importance and relevance of historical Christianity and defense of the faith through Christian apologetics.

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