YNP #059: How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch

Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog - En podcast av Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

Fetch it the one game we all think of when we talk about playing with our dog.  So it's easy to forget that we have to teach them how to fetch.  We have the picture in our mind of our dog running across the yard or park to get the ball and bring it back.   It's so clear to us that we try to jump right there with our dogs!  But the reality is, our dogs have no idea what the rules of the game is...yet!To teach your dog to fetch first you have to make it SUPER EASY so they know what we want from them.  For fetch that means we have to start with super short distances in a small space.  Then build them up from there!The catch (hehe) is some dogs with take to the game like it's the best thing since sliced bacon, others may never take to it all.  To really know the difference take it slow to make sure they know how to play!In this episode I talk about:* Where we go wrong when teaching your dog to fetch.* My fair warning about teaching fetch (curiously of my old dog Chance).* Tips on how to start to teach your dog to fetch.* How to handle when you dog wants to play chase or refuses to bring it back. Press play and enjoy!Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:11 activities to do with your dogYOUR Perfect Puppy: 4-week online training course for you and your new puppy.

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