YNP #004: 3 Things You Can Do Now to Teach Your Dog to Come Every Time You Call.
Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog - En podcast av Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

In today's episode, we're going to talk about your recall command; most commonly known as “come”. I'm not going to be talk about teaching your dog the actual command.What I am going to talk about is building a few everyday habits so when it comes time to teach your dog the command, it's going to be a heck of a lot easier. In fact, if you do this right, a formal command may not be necessary. Your dog will always want to come running when you call them.If you have a brand new puppy you are going to start these habits from day one. If you've had a dog for a while and maybe aren't doing some of these things, that's okay, because you’re just going to make today day one!In addition, I have a bonus that teaches you how to play a game with your dog that reinforces everything we are going to talk about. It’s also a great way to tire out your dog and create some family bonding! More on that in a minute.The three habits I'm going to go over are:* Never call your dog to you for ANYTHING your dog sees as negative.* NEVER chase your dog.* Add a collar grab.Each of these 3 habits is based on the fact that we are always training our dog, whether we realize it or not. If you have noticed that your dog knows you're leaving the house an hour before you actually do, you know what I'm talking about (sometimes I'm a little disappointed at how predictable I am). That’s because they are ALWAYS paying attention to our body language, actions, and habits.We’re going to use this to our advantage. Let's get started.Psst: Don't miss out on the free tool I tell you all about at the end! .p16c9ff336eb{opacity:0.15;}.p16c9ff336f0{opacity:0.2;}.p16c9ff55484{opacity:0.15;}.p16c9ff55488{opacity:0.2;} Press play to listen to this podcast episode or subscribe to Your New Puppy where ever you listen to your podcasts. 1. NEVER call your dog to you for ANYTHING your dog sees as negative (and every time they do come to you make it a good thing)This is where you need to be aware of your own actions. Sometimes we have to change our own habits first, which we all know isn't easy.The recall command isn’t about getting your dog to listen; it’s about you being in competition with their environment. We don’t want him to have any idea in their head that coming to you is the wrong decision. Every single time he comes to you it's a good thing because one day it's going to be a choice between you and that squirrel across the street and you want to give yourself a fighting chance.For example, he's running around, he's playing outside, you call him to you and you bring him inside. From your dog's point of view, he was playing and having fun and when he came running over to you he had to go inside (boo!). How about when she's playing with something she shouldn't have. You call him to you and then you take it away from her. Well, all she knows is she came running over to you and she got him new fun toy taken away. This goes for bath time, or clipping their nails, or giving them medicine (unless it’s wrapped in peanut butter, then feel free to call them to you). Anything that your dog is going to see as not fun, you go to your dog, do not call him to you.Before you call your dog to you, look at it from his point of view and decide can I call him to me or should I go to get him. It's gonna take a little practice to start seeing things through your dog's eyes. It's something to practice and to always, always keep in mind. We want to be doing this every single day so it becomes a habit for us too. 14 Days to a Stronger RecallTeaching your dog to come to you in any environment is the key to your peace of mind and your dog's freedom. In just 14 days you'll be on your way to feeling the pride and joy that comes with having a strong,