Weekly Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign with Astrologer Kelli Fox: August 14 - 20, 2023
Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - En podcast av Kelli Fox
https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and your weekly horoscope for August 14 - 20. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? We’re knee-deep in Leo season, as proved by this week’s magnificent cosmic configurations in the sign of the Lion(ess). First up, we have an ever-so-thrilling-square between the Sun and Uranus on Tuesday, reflecting a restless, seeking sort of energy. Now, keep in mind that squares essentially represent, well, blocks, to put it bluntly. But do they have to be bad? Not necessarily. In fact, squares in Astrology are opportunities for growth. If we didn’t have the tension of these aspects, we would probably never budge out of our comfort zones. We humans are terribly attached to stability, you see. Change is scary, unless you’re one of those people with multiple planets in mutable signs. For the rest of us, we would rather eat chalk than shake something up that we think is working. This is where Uranus steps in. As the symbolic sky god, he throws down his lightning and shocks us out of a dreamy haze. At first, we’re resentful. Then, we realize that we’re suddenly free. Liberated from our shackles. Our authentic self is woken up and there’s no going back. Following this electric shock is a proud and spectacular New Moon in Leo. Unfolding in the middle of the week, on Wednesday, this New Moon is all heart. It calls us right back into our center and asks us just what we’re doing with our lives. Are we expressing ourselves? Are we loving? Are we honoring our inner child? What do we need to feel loved? Venus is configured to this lunation, and although she’s retrograde, she still has gifts to give. Expect the unexpected, darlings. On Wednesday, too, we have the alignment of Mars to Uranus (he is a busy bee this week!), energizing our actions and provoking us to seek the unusual, particularly when it comes to the work we do and the relationships we pursue. Yum. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox. YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV: https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/