#88: When Things Don’t Go Your Way, Yoga Happens
Yoga Inspiration - En podcast av Kino MacGregor - Torsdagar

What do you do when things don’t go your way? I’m supposed to be teaching yoga classes right now, but instead, I’m sitting in a quarantined hotel in Oslo, Norway waiting for a vaccine verification QR-code. It’s been nearly a week, but I’m optimistic and decided to present a new flavor of Yoga Inspiration for you. This pandemic has not been easy for any of us. No matter if you’re quarantined at home, in a luxury hotel, or going to work every day, nothing about this situation is normal or easy. But that’s when yoga happens. Your yoga practice isn’t limited to the mat or meditation. Yoga prepares you for situations just like this one, and I know I’m not alone when it comes to the fear and frustration that’s been all too common over the past eighteen months. Usually, I have a lot of time to prepare to travel abroad, but things were busy this time around. Not only did the international travel rules change just five days before my flight, but I’ve also been teaching, preparing new classes, and starting Miami Yoga Garage for my local yogis. I didn’t realize my connecting flight in France would require an EU-DCE, a digital coronavírus e-certificate that acts as translatable proof of vaccine as you travel through Europe. (It’s only required in France, but it will make international travel easier for many Americans.) I also wasn’t aware that U.S. vaccination cards are not valid in most of Europe. Imagine the fear and frustration coursing through me and the families also traveling abroad as we were shuffled around the Oslo airport just to wait, the sense of impending doom as we board a bus with no idea where we’re going. Luckily, it was just a short trip to the comfortable quarantine hotel I’m speaking to you from now, but it took over eight hours to finally get here. I am grateful for my yoga training. Finding a phone charger might have helped the boredom, but keeping a calm mind kept the negative thoughts from spiraling through my head. Things happen that are beyond our control, and being able to accept these upsets and continue moving forward is a strength I am grateful for. In the meantime, as I wait to teach yoga again here in Norway, I invite you to check out some classes at OmStars. Not a member? Get your free 30-day membership on Omstars.com & use code: PODCAST. Visit my blog at Kinoyoga.com, connect with me on Instagram at @kinoyoga and @omstarsofficial, and check out the new things that are coming with @MiamiYogaGarage. If you have an interesting experience on the yoga mat to share, get in touch with me at [email protected]. You could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.