54 // How I Homeschool AND Run a Business at the SAME TIME! (& You Can, Too!)

Work Life Glue - En podcast av Sarah

It is totally possible to run a business AND homeschool at the same time!  I've been doing it now for over a year, but I have run my business as a side hustle as well when I was caring for 10 kids for 50 hours a week as a child care provider in my home!  If I can do it, you can do it!  Today, I'm sharing my 9 BEST tips for balancing a business while also homeschooling!  It's not easy but it IS doable with some structure, routines, and careful planning!September Box (Use code BACKTOSCHOOL for 25% off the September box):Subscribe to the Work Life Glue Box: https://www.worklifegluebox.com/- Heart of Dakota Curriculum: https://heartofdakota.com/- Outsourcing Podcast Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/50-6-tasks-mompreneurs-should-outsource-today-for-free/id1537297256?i=1000576212490- Work Life Glue on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/worklifeglue- Work Life Glue on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/worklifeglue/

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