48 // The ONE Schedule Hack that Makes ALL the Difference
Work Life Glue - En podcast av Sarah

Trying to run a business AND be a mom who is juggling all the things for her family is HARD! One of the questions I get asked the most is "How do you do it all?!?" I have a few different answers that work together to answer this question, but one of the main pieces of advice I give is to create daily rhythms. Some call it block planning, some call it a daily schedule, I call it daily rhythms. I have 8 daily rhythms I follow most days that make it super easy to drag and drop both my business tasks and my motherhood tasks into different parts of my day that make the most sense. We have a lot of flexibility in our days but also a lot of structure that allows me to get a lot done and to be very present in whatever rhythm I'm currently in. I'm sharing my own daily rhythms in today's podcast episode to help you figure out what you could do for your own!Subscribe to the Work Life Glue Box and Save 10% off with the code "NEWLAUNCH": https://www.worklifegluebox.com/Yoto Player Video: https://youtu.be/5lWx4Eu_GfgWork Life Glue Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/worklifeglueWork Life Glue Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/worklifeglue