34 // How to THRIVE as an Introverted Mom (Practical Tips to Implement Right NOW)

Work Life Glue - En podcast av Sarah

Many of us moms are wired to be introverted.  This can be very hard in a seemingly extroverted world!  We are encouraged to go, go go, to be social, to get our kids involved, to spend as much time as we can with our kids, and to give so much of ourselves every second of every day.  None of these are *bad* things, but they do make mothering even harder for an introverted mom who needs time away, who is often sensitive to lots of stimuli (especially sound), who needs space and time to just be calm and present, and who gets overwhelmed when life gets too busy or chaotic.I am a fellow introverted mom, and as someone kind of addicted to improving systems, routines, and different areas of my life, I have learned some useful tips about not just surviving as an introvert, but actually THRIVING!  I want to share these tips with you today in hopes that it can help make motherhood a little easier and more enjoyable for my fellow introverted moms out there!Sign up to the Work Life Glue email list to win 3 free months of the box: https://www.worklifeglue.com/subboxdetails By signing up for the Work Life Glue email list (linked above), you will receive a weekly newsletter with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of the box, Work Life Glue's latest content, and fun tips/tricks/advice/stories/products/etc. for busy moms! GIVEAWAY INFO: On December 1, 2021, I will randomly choose one lucky winner from my email list to win THREE FREE BOXES of the Work Life Glue Box!LINKS:Time Management Tips Video: https://youtu.be/7ODDmW7rV70 Calmer Ear Plugs: https://www.flareaudio.com/products/calmerLoop Ear Plug: https://www.loopearplugs.com/Work Life Glue Moms Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wlgmomsgroup/Work Life Glue Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahwlg/Work Life Glue Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/worklifeglue/

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