33 // Have the Best Year Ever with THESE Back-to-School Mom Hacks

Work Life Glue - En podcast av Sarah

Back-to-school is a CRAZY time, even for homeschooled parents!  We are jumping into new routines, there are lots of fears/anxiety/excitement and just emotions in general making these transitions harder, more activities start, and it’s just a wonder we even get through the day sometimes!  I’m here to help!  Even though most people have already gone back to school (whatever that looks like for your family), there are lots of things we can easily improve to make the mornings, evenings, homework time, etc. less chaotic and more, dare I say it, blissful than it may currently be.  In this episode, I share many easy-to-implement back to school hacks for even the busiest and most overwhelmed of moms!Sign up to the Work Life Glue email list to win 3 free months of the box: https://www.worklifeglue.com/subboxdetails By signing up for the Work Life Glue email list (linked above), you will receive a weekly newsletter with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of the box, Work Life Glue's latest content, and fun tips/tricks/advice/stories/products/etc. for busy moms! GIVEAWAY INFO: On December 1, 2021, I will randomly choose one lucky winner from my email list to win THREE FREE BOXES of the Work Life Glue Box!LINKS: Hanging Clothes Organizer: https://amzn.to/3nE7Kdt Morning/Evening Routine Charts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/474097619/to-do-chart-for-kids-daily-routine?ref=shop_home_recs_1&crt=1 School Memory Keepsake Book: https://jane.com/deal/1448724/school-keepsake-binder-class-keeper Work Life Glue Moms Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wlgmomsgroup/Work Life Glue Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahwlg/Work Life Glue Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/worklifeglue/

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