21 // What It's Like to Go from Being a SAHM to a Working Mom with Kindercrafty || WORKING MOM SPOTLIGHT
Work Life Glue - En podcast av Sarah

So many mothers go through transitions when it comes to their careers, where they work, how much they work, not working at all to working, and so on. Today's interview is with Jessica from Kindercrafty, who taught kindergarten for many years before having children, but then transitioned to being a stay at home mom when she had her son. Once he was in school, however, she felt something was missing and started thinking about going back to teaching. She has an incredible story about how her transition back to teaching unfolded and shares the struggles and triumphs she experienced during this transition. She also shares what teaching kindergarten has been like during a pandemic! She has so much wisdom and inspiration for all moms to enjoy!- Show Notes: http://www.worklifeglue.com/podcast/21/- Kindercrafty on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kindercrafty/- Kindercrafty on Youtube: http://youtube.com/kindercrafty- 100 Percent Pure Makeup: https://www.100percentpure.com/- Apply to be Interviewed on the Podcast: http://www.worklifeglue.com/podcast/apply/- Work Life Glue Moms Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wlgmomsgroup/- Work Life Glue Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahwlg/- Work Life Glue Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/worklifeglue/-