Bhakti’s Esoteric Feature - Lila & Rasa
Wisdom of the Sages - En podcast av Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

Lila refers to Krishna's play, in the dramatic sense, as well as in the sense of child's play or ease / Rasa refers to the particular loving mood relished in the exchange of love with Krishna / it's not that Krishna's lila is modeled after the drama of this world, rather it's the other way around / the sages borrowed construct from the Sanskrit dramatist to explain Krishna's lilas / it's all happening to heighten the experience of love / Hiranyakasipu's horrific threat / Nrisimhadeva's rasa of anger / Nrisimhadeva's heightens the love and satisfies Pralad, Brahma, and the Devas / without the darkness of this world we would never develop the determination to let it all go SB 7.8.24-30