1378: The Nightmare of Materialism & the Awakening of the Soul

Wisdom of the Sages - En podcast av Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

Wassily Kandinsky’s thoughts on materialism / materialism as a value and materialism as an ideology / prosperity gospel as the hucksters materialism in the guise of spirituality / prosperity gospel in the realm of Bhakti / Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and the saints are on the side of self control - on the other side are the hucksters / forgetfulness (of our spiritual nature) leads to misery / you think about what you think about / running after happiness in the material world / matter grows from life / the water were searching for is Krishna SB 7.13.28-29 **************************************************************************** LOVE THE PODCAST? WE ARE COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AND WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN! Go to https://www.wisdomofthesages.com WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/@WisdomoftheSages LISTEN ON ITUNES: https://podcasts/apple.com/us/podcast/wisdom-of-the-sages/id1493055485 CONNECT ON FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/wisdomofthesages108 CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wisdom_of_the_sages

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