1367: The Power of Our Words, Thoughts & Presence

Wisdom of the Sages - En podcast av Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

a vow of silence can mean simply refraining from mundane talk / The power of our words, thoughts and presence / a little self-disgust can be a big breakthrough / our thoughts can move us through the universe and beyond / Raghu and Kaustubha communicate nonviolently / wherever you are, you can be in a holy place / Pilgrimage shows a world revolving around God / Arjuna asks Krishna about one whose consciousness is merged in transcendence. How does he speak? - how neither praises or criticizes the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of this world / not getting caught up in praise or criticism allows space to observe the power of time - Krishna impersonal representation SB 7.13.5-6 ▶ LOVE THE PODCAST? -- BECOME A SUPPORTER: https://www.wisdomofthesages.com/ ▶ WATCH ON YOUTUBE:  https://youtube.com/@WisdomoftheSages ▶ LISTEN ON ITUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wisdom-of-the-sages/id1493055485 ▶ CONNECT ON FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/wisdomofthesages108 ▶ CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wisdom_of_the_sages

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