1312: Our Heaviest Burdens are the Thoughts in Our Heads
Wisdom of the Sages - En podcast av Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

the burdens of hate and resentment / “Some of the worst things in my life never even happened” - Mark Twain / the attractiveness of the unburdened / Bhagavatam juxtaposes the burdened and the unburdened / Brahma expresses wonder / brahma gives credit for creation to Vishnu / Shiva gives credit for destruction to Vishnu / Indra’s prayer and lamentation of mixed devotion / Vishnu dissipates the gloom in our hearts / austerity can bring about creative power and lucid thought / The forefathers were burdened with concerned about sacrifice / The siddha yogis were concerned about their mystic abilities being restored / The Vidyādharas were concerned about the knowledge they attain through meditation SB 7.8.40-46