Danish humour: Why can Danish humour be so confusing to non-Danes?
What The Denmark | Danish Culture for Expats, Internationals and Danes - En podcast av Cofruition

If you’ve ever spoken at length with a Danish person, chances are that their dry sense of humour has resulted in instances of confusion rather than fits of laughter.
While Danes seem to have a peculiar pride in their dry sense of humour, many non-Danes struggle with the irony and don’t get if their Danish counterpart is trying to be funny, or is just being a bit weird.
In this podcast episode, Sam and Josefine are joined by journalist Aske Hald Knudstrup to talk about their own experiences of Danish humour, including interviews with two humour experts who help pinpoint what is particular about the Danish way of being funny.
After listening you’ll get a better understanding of what Danes are doing when they’re being funny, and why Danish humour is deeply connected with Denmark’s history of social democratism.
Learn more at: https://www.whatthedenmark.com/blog-post/danish-humour