[Ep85] Holistic Bug Repellent, Natural Allergy Cream, Dangerous BONES?
Veterinary Secrets - En podcast av Dr Andrew Jones

Hello and Welcome to Dr Jones’ Veterinary Secrets Podcast!- This is episode 85 In today's podcast we are talking about this cat friendly herb (catnip) that has been shown to naturally repel fleas, Natural Treatments for Allergy with promise, FDA warning of feeding BONES to your dog. Veterinary Secrets is on all your favorite podcast apps including itunes, spotify and stitcher. I would sure appreciate it if you would subscribe to my podcast, and leave a review! Lastly I encourage you to sign up to my new webinar on Dog Health And Nutrition. You'll find out what is best to feed your dog, what to AVOID, and the most important Natural Remedies to Heal you dog at home…. Go to www.thedogsupplement.com/webinar to sign up! Follow Veterinary Secrets: Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/veterinarysecrets Blog: http://www.veterinarysecrets.com/blog Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onlinevet Instagram! http://instagram.com/veterinarysecrets Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dogandcatdoc Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/andrewjonesdvm/