[Ep 109] The Cat episode!-Cat Vaccines, Cat Food and Cat Urinary Tract Disease
Veterinary Secrets - En podcast av Dr Andrew Jones

Hello and Welcome to Dr Jones’ Veterinary Secrets PODCAST – this is episode 109! Today’s Podcast is all about Cats! Vaccines for Cats..should you vaccinate, and if so with what? Cat Food.. You should be AVOIDING these foods but feeding this. Cat Urinary Tract Disease can be prevented and treated this way holistically. Dr Jones’ Veterinary Secrets is on all your favorite podcast apps, including Spotify, iTunes and Stitcher-I would sure appreciate it if you would subscribe to my podcast, and leave a review. Questions or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment about this podcast episode on the blog at www.theinternetpetvet.com I encourage you to get a copy of my NEW Cat Health and Nutrition Webinar, in which you’ll learn what is best to feed, what to NEVER feed, and my most important Natural Remedies for cats. It’s happening Tuesday March 30th and the SIGN UP is here: http://www.thecatsupplement.com/webinar