474. Build a relationship with a place - Thieu Besselink
Urbanistica Podcast - Cities for People - En podcast av Mustafa Sherif
Dr. Thieu Besselink, PhD, Founder of the Academy of Place and the Townmaking Institute, ass. prof. at Utrecht University Thieu Besselink is an urbanist, philosopher and educator. He learned to love the complexities of place during his research with prof. Richard Sennett at the LSE Cities Program and went on to establish two organisations that aim to learn from and develop places as living wholes. The Academy of Place initiates regenerative development processes at landscape scale, and the Townmaking Institute is an R&D institute for urban commons and Societal Asset Development. As an educator Thieu leads the Regenerative Cities Program at Utrecht University where he developed place-based pedagogies to learn and develop with place. In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/ _____ Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin. Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.