HOW To Communicate With Your Twin/Partner Better

Twin Flame Guides: Spirituality And The Twin Flame Journey, Ascension, Awakening, Golden Age - En podcast av Twin Flame Guides: Spirituality And The Twin Flame Journey, Ascension, Awakening

Connect with a psychic on Keen 👉  Try your first 10 minutes for $1.99    We receive commissions for referrals to Keen.  We only recommend services we trust.   How to talk, reply, interact especially online but also in person.  This applies whether you’re reunited and with your twin flame, with a partner, or messaging and talking to your twin flame, from a distance.  The best way to communicate is to just simply be yourself.  Overthinking it makes it sound and feel unnatural, and you can’t pretend for very long.  Better to just be yourself from the start, it’s easier, and gets better results anyway   With arguments: Important to always remember to step back, and look at the situation. What do they want, solutions, support, empathy?  Particularly in disagreements, remember it’s you two again the problem.  Often the problem is not actually the problem.  Meaning, it’s often something else, and there’s reason one of you reacted at a certain thing.  Is it a value, trauma, wound, memory, or simply something you don’t feel comfortable with.  Before speaking try and feel into what is the actual problem. Thanks for listening to the Twin Flame Guides podcast. We’re Stef and Julia, a twin flame couple in full, harmonious union and we help others to do the same. We focus on helping you step into your mission, practice self love and understand more about the journey. ❀ For free PDF notes, video training, bonuses and articles, go to now. ❀Watch Our Free Video Training: How To Reunite Faster In 3 Steps - To try KEEN (psychic we recommend), and get our special offer, go to now. (Keen is a sponsor of Twin Flame Guides, we may receive a small compensation from any purchases made through our link).

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