Keeping the Christmas Magic Without the Naughty List
Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy - En podcast av Sophia Giblin

In this week's episode of the Treasure Time podcast, host Sophia is joined by parenting experts Joe Atkinson and Olga Cherrington of The Caring Instinct to have an insightful discussion about keeping the magic and wonder of Christmas alive for children. They explore the concept of "Unconditional Santa" - treating Santa as a symbol of unconditional love and acceptance rather than a conditional reward system based on being "naughty or nice." Olga shares her experience growing up in Ukraine, where there was no concept of Santa only bringing gifts to "good" children. The cultural stories around Christmas in the UK seem to place harsh conditions around behavior in December. Sophia and the guests discuss strategies for revealing the "truth" about Santa to older children in a way that preserves magic and deepens family connection, rather than causing a painful loss of innocence. The conversation moves to the modern tradition of "Elf on the Shelf" and how it can become a creepy surveillance system that controls behavior through fear. They talk about how to make traditions like the elf more playful and less about being "well-behaved." This reflects a larger theme around trusting children's innate goodness rather than trying to control behavior. The guests explore understanding all behavior as communication and meeting acting out with empathy rather than punishment. Overall the discussion centers on letting go of the cultural stories and parental anxieties around Christmas that can unintentionally shame kids or make them feel anxious. Instead, they recommend fully embracing the spirit of wonder, imagination, unconditional love, and boundless goodwill that the holiday can represent for children. Check out the Caring Instinct Podcast here, and give Joe and Olga a follow on Instagram and Facebook.