July 23, 2024. Gospel: Luke 22: 24-30. St Apollinaris, Bishop, Martyr
Traditional Latin Mass Gospel Readings - En podcast av Ken Hagen
https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=24-#xAnd there was also a strife amongst them, which of them should seem to be the greater. Facta est autem et contentio inter eos, quis eorum videretur esse major. https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=25-#xAnd he said to them: The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and they that have power over them, are called beneficent. Dixit autem eis : Reges gentium dominantur eorum : et qui potestatem habent super eos, benefici vocantur. https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=26-#xBut you not so: but he that is the greater among you, let him become as the younger; and he that is the leader, as he that serveth. Vos autem non sic : sed qui major est in vobis, fiat sicut minor : et qui praecessor est, sicut ministrator. https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=27-#xFor which is greater, he that sitteth at table, or he that serveth? Is it not he that sitteth at table? But I am in the midst of you, as he that serveth: Nam quis major est, qui recumbit, an qui ministrat? nonne qui recumbit? Ego autem in medio vestrum sum, sicut qui ministrat : https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=28-#xAnd you are they who have continued with me in my temptations: vos autem estis, qui permansistis mecum in tentationibus meis. https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=29-#xAnd I dispose to you, as my Father hath disposed to me, a kingdom; Et ego dispono vobis sicut disposuit mihi Pater meus regnum, https://drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drl&bk=49&ch=22&l=30-#xThat you may eat and drink at my table, in my kingdom: and may sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. ut edatis et bibatis super mensam meam in regno meo, et sedeatis super thronos judicantes duodecim tribus Israel. St Apollinaris, a disciple of St Peter, came with the latter from Antioch to Rome. He was consecrated Bishop of Ravenna and preached the Gospel of Christ amidst many persecutions, including prison and exile. The Apostle of Ravenna was beaten to death A.D. 79.