The Passover of the Master 2016 – Part 2

Torah to the Tribes - En podcast av Matthew Nolan - Söndagar

PESACH sends us the clear message of separation. Pesach is your Melchizedek Marriage and ordination into the priesthood, complete with covenant confirming meal. Passover is the covenant confirming meal, we sit together in a ‘common-meal’ in ‘common–union’ (‘communion’) confirming the marriage covenant. ‘We know that the ‘Lamb of יהוה ’ was substituting a substitute – the Exodus 12 physical lamb body and blood pointing to Yahusha, for the bread and wine representing His body – the real meat and blood which was to be shed that Passover day. Yahshua took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. Matthew 26:27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it 28 For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (Luke 22:17-20) ‘Israel My firstborn son let him go so he can worship me.’ Our return to the ‘firstborn’ status of a ‘Malkhut Coheniem’ – Malki-Tzedik priests! Exodus12 is the only Malki-zedek Passover in the entire Bible, except for the Passover of Yahusha where He officiates as Malki-Tzedik High Priest initiating and ratifying the Malki-Tzedik New Covenant prophesied at Jeremiah 31. Malki-Tzedik is first made known to us at Genesis 14. Hebrews 7:3 reveals the Malki-Tzedik Order as eternal. Israel breaks the Book of the Covenant loses their Malki-Tzedik standing and is placed under the Levitical Priesthood until Yahusha restores the Malki- Tzedik Priesthood, ratifying the Malki-Tzedik New Covenant at His last Passover and crucifixion; Yahusha being freed from the Book of the Law by His death to become our Malki-Tzedik High Priest! Passover actually begins by way of the Gen.15 Covenant: “Gen 15:13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;” “Gen 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: …” Yahusha wore his high priestly garment at the last Passover Supper, showing us that it was also a liturgical worship service at which Yahusha officiated as the New Covenant High Priest ratifying with a moedim, kadosh Passover covenant confirming meal. Yahusha wears this same garment at His crucifixion demonstrating that He was acting as the New Covenant High Priest officiating at the offering of His sacrifice on the altar of the tree for the atonement sanctification of all Israel and the Israelite Commonwealth (Romans 11:25 / Ephesians 2:12 / Genesis 48:19). Yahshua, the Lamb of Yah is the single sacrifice, the answer to the ‘death position’ of the Abraham Covenant of Genesis15. 1 Corintians 11:25 After the same manner also He took the Kiddush cup, after He had eaten, saying, This cup of geulah is the Brit Chadasha in My dahm: this do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me. (How often is PESACH?) … ..whosoever drinks this cup of the Master vuvh, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and dahm of the Master vuvh……. and drinks..damnation to himself. Yochanan – a the true Kohen Ha Gadol declares, “Behold the lamb of Eloah, who takes away the sin of the olam.” It’s the Kohen Ha Gadol who declares an animal fit for sacrifice. PESACH – then leave MITZRAYIM! 1 Corinthians 5:7 Clean out therefore the old chametz, that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For even Moshiach our Pesach was sacrificed for us: 8 So then let us keep the moed, 4 not with old chametz, neither with the chametz of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened matzah of sincerity and emet. Rav Sholiach “be crucified with Moshiach” not possible if you don’t go to Pesach – “Eat my flesh drink my blood!” Pesach is a watch night supper, it’s not intended to duplicate the Exodus exactly, but to memorialize it. “This cup of geulah is the Brit Chadasha in My dahm,” was the covenant confirming blood – ratifying cup that we partake of for ordination. Passover is an induct

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