077: Helping Teens Define Success
Today's Teenager - En podcast av Roy Petitfils, LPC

In this episode, Roy addresses one of the greatest sources of anxiety for teens today: the pursuit of an unhealthy and often unconscious definition of success. Roy uses the example of teens who suffer panic attacks after failing tests to address what grades and performance really mean to some teens. For teens consciously or unconsciouly struggling to live up to a harsh definition of success, a failing grade really represents their belief that they are unable to succeed in school and in the life that follows. These teens have developed a fear of failing to achieve perfect grades, get into the best colleges, and then secure high-paying jobs that will lead to happiness. Roy shares his own issues with this definition of success, including its incompatibility with true Gospel values, the pursuit of unquestioned goals, and the false equivocation of money with happiness. Roy suggests that adults can help these teens by first examining their own definitions of success through a self-inventory. With this awareness, Roy believes adults can begin a dialogue with teens that helps them analyze and evaluate what they expect of themselves and others in a pursuit of happiness and success. Roy has established Today's Teenager as a non-profit organization dedicated to covering the expenses of therapy sessions and other mental health services for teens and families that would otherwise be unable to afford them. Visit todaysteenager dot com for more information. Dr. Dore and her staff embrace their orthodontic patients like family. In addition to traditional metal and ceramic braces Dr. Dore enjoys using Invisalign clear aligners, and she is an Invisalign “Preferred Provider." Call her today for a free exam and Live Life Smiling at (337) 267-SMILE, or click here to learn more about Dr. Dore and her practice.