#426 Boring NotCom | The anonymous critic everyone secretly listens to

TheBoldWay - En podcast av Adrien Garcia


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 boring. Program : - The origin of Boring NotCom: a spontaneously created account at 3 a.m., now a reference in the fashion industry.- The impact of the account on the industry: honest, unfiltered critiques that challenge major brands.- The importance of anonymity: total freedom to express raw truths about fashion.- Behind the scenes: unplanned content, spontaneous reactions, and a refusal to bow to brand pressures.- Boring NotCom's vision: celebrating creativity, exposing flaws, and encouraging open discussions.- The account's improbable success: a page that fascinates insiders while unsettling established players.- Core values: authenticity, freedom of expression, and independence from traditional models.- The account's rise: from simple critical posts to an influential phenomenon followed by major fashion figures.- Industry challenges: reinventing fashion, maintaining quality, and resisting standardization.- The future of Boring NotCom: staying true to its values while evolving in an ever-changing world.Timeline: 0:00 : Introduction to the episode: Presentation of The Bold Way, the guest Boring NotCom, and the topics covered in the episode. 2:33 : Who is Boring NotCom?: The guest introduces themselves, shares their background in the fashion industry, and explains their motivation to create a free and critical space on Instagram. 8:23 : The beginnings of Boring NotCom: How the account was spontaneously created at 3 a.m., the motivations behind the project, and its first posts. 12:39 : Reactions from the industry: How brands perceive the critiques, their fear of publicly interacting, and private interactions through DMs. 18:19 : Collaborations with brands: Relationships with Hugo Boss and other brands, managing collaborations while staying independent and critical. 23:35 : Freedom of expression and business model: How Boring NotCom maintains independence from brands and the world of public relations. 28:59 : The importance of anonymity: Strategies to stay anonymous, the risks of identity being revealed, and the implications for the account’s future. 35:39 : The key to longevity in fashion: Boring NotCom shares their vision of the importance of staying authentic, reinventing oneself, and balancing tradition with innovation. 44:53 : Boring NotCom’s role in the media: The popularity of short formats, the future of long-form critiques, and the account’s unique position compared to other media outlets. 53:16 : Inspiring figures and future perspectives: Discussion about stylists and designers Boring NotCom would like to see interviewed and plans to expand the account’s content. Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et rĂ©alisĂ© par Adrien Garcia.

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