S2: Fertility Options with Dr Matt Prior
The Stork and I - En podcast av thestorkandi

In this episode I talk to Dr Matt Prior. Matt is an NHS consultant doctor working at Newcastle Fertility Centre and also Medical Director at Dr Fertility. Dr Prior specialises in reproductive medicine and surgery. He helps people with fertility problems using a holistic approach. In this episode we discuss: - How to better understand your fertility - When to go to your GP and how they can help you - An explanation of AMH - Considerations when choosing a fertility clinic - The difference between IUI and IVF - The rough cost of fertility treatment - Where to go for independent advice In the episode we mention the HFEA, which is a UK based organisation. If you are listening from outside the UK, you can check if there is an equivalent independent body in your country. If you'd like a consultation with Dr Prior you can contact him at @drfertility For more of Matt's insights you can follow him on Instagram at: @drmattprior @bigfertilityproject