Sleep Myths (Part 2)

The Sleep Mums - En podcast av thesleepmums

If you’ve already listened to Baby Sleep Myths (Pt1) you probably thought there couldn’t possibly be any more sleep myths. There was no way there was that much whack info floating about the parent-sphere. Well, the bad news is, there is… the good, we’re going to bust it for you.   In this episode we’ll dispel some madness about five bits of regularly heard sleep advice, that may have been keeping you up at night. It’s not going to be pretty but it will be really satisfying and hopefully by the end of it you’ll understand more about baby sleep and how we can all get more of it.   1 –Baby Will Sleep Better When… 2 – Sleep When the Baby Sleeps 3 – Baby only wakes because they’re hungry 4 – Breastfed Babies Don’t Sleep Through 5 – It’s Just A Bit of Colic

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