Can Babies Have Bad Habits?
The Sleep Mums - En podcast av thesleepmums

This podcast is about something that is a little controversial, particularly when it comes to sleep: we’re going to talk habits in babies. There is a lot of pressure from society and those around us to do ‘parenting right’ and this idea of creating or continuing bad habits in our babies and children can make you feel like you’re doing something wrong. So in this episode we get to the bottom of bad habits; do they exist; what are they and can you change a habit of a little one’s lifetime? Plus we’ll answer our listener Maike’s question about changing how she feeds and trying to get into a routine. 1 – Can Babies Have Bad Habits? 2 – What is a Habit? 3 – When Does Something Become a Habit? 4 – How to Make Changes 5 – Any to Avoid?