A to Zzz: E for Expectant Dad

The Sleep Mums - En podcast av thesleepmums

There are lots of books, references and social media accounts for mums but not nearly so many for Dads and, even then, they can be a bit mum-sided. It often leaves Dads feeling like they shouldn’t be the one to ask the questions, either because it’s not their’ job’ or because, like lots of parenthood stuff, they feel like they should know it all naturally. But we're not born parents, we learn how to be them. So, this week, expectant Dad, Ed turned the table on us and asked us five questions; from sleep to mental health. We talk ab   1 - When will my baby sleep through?  2 - How does sleeping environment affect babies? 3 - How to cope in terms of mental health? 4 - Is routine a British thing? 5 - What bad habits should I be aware of slipping in to?    

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