How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality By Brown Landone (With Commentary)

The Reality Revolution Podcast - En podcast av Brian Scott

“How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality provides you with everything you need to know and do to achieve your ideal or vision. Here Brown Landone shows you: How it takes just five minutes a day to make you super-efficient, How to change a weak will into a strong will, How to form an ideal which will come true. In this book one thought deserves more than passing mention. During the centuries philosophers have sought the basis of the soul's faith in the unity of all things. Clearly to present that basis of unity is now, I know, Brown Landone's one great life aim. He may or may not succeed in making the world conscious of this unity, but at least the attempt in The Spirit of Matter comes nearer making us know that the spiritual and material world are one than anything written previously. With such a consciousness of the unity of all things of spirit and of matter, the faith is strong and the way is clear to make our ideals come true.” - Edgar H. Felix What Desires Can You Make Come True? Can You, Yourself, Make Your Ideals Become Realities? Everyone wants abundance -abundance of all things! Every desire is the heart of some ideal. Your desires always come true. Your wishes seldom do; they die by consuming themselves in forever wishing wishes. A desire with a body or an ideal with a heart always becomes a reality! Every desire is the heart center of some ideal that is either revealed to consciousness and understood or hidden in the ultra-consciousness and misunderstood. The ideal is the active body of the desire. Do not expect your desire to come true unless you give it a body. Construct an ideal that gives substance to each desire. Make the ideal active; -endow it with the process of attainment. Then, it will become a reality! It will come true!

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