EP 65 - Getting Back to Normal After COVID

The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham


I read in the papers this weekend that experts were saying that “The challenges presented by the pandemic are so complex and wide-ranging, they cannot be solved by health and social care professionals alone,” he said. There is only so much doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists and other healthcare professionals can do to support the estimated 10 million people needing mental health support as a direct consequence of Covid-19.”   To be brutally honest - we need to help ourselves and support one another.   As parents - we need to support or kids and give them the coping strategies that they need to navigate these uncharted waters.   In this episode I offer 6 Tips to help you do just that : 1. Acknowledge Your Feelings 2. Let Go of Perfectionism 3. Be Prepared 4. Find Support 5. Change the Narrative 6. Always Wear Your Invisible Crown!   Want to know more? Then Grab a cuppa - and keep listening! ~~~~~ I mentioned a number of strategies that you can share with your children : Box Breathing : Coping with Anxiety and Panic Attacks : 📍https://www.caigraham.com/boxbreathing Be Your Own Superhero : Building Your Confidence : 📍 https://www.caigraham.com/superhero Beating the Negative Thinking : How to Think More Positively 📍 https://www.caigraham.com/inner-critic ~~~~~ * Three Questions to Ask Your Uncommunicative Child : All too often parents say to me : “My child won’t speak to me” or “I know something’s not quite right - but they won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

Well, I have a resource for you. 
Download this FREE Resource : 📍www.caigraham.com/threequestions It will help you reconnect with your child quickly and easily; and in a way that will not drive them to their bedroom to avoid you! ~~~~ If you are looking for support at a deeper level for your child, then please book a call with me. Invariably they might only need a couple of sessions. But if we can give our kids the tools to improve their emotional wellbeing NOW - then you’re more likely to alleviate the longer term damage to their mental health. 📍 www.caigraham.com/teencall Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website : 📍www.caigraham.com/podcast Please also have a look at my YouTube channel for additional support. 📍 www.caigraham.com/youtube * If you need to get in touch - Please email me at [email protected] Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy

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