EP 55 - Janis Isaman - Lone Parenting is F*cking Hard
The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham

When you are a struggling and worn out parent, you are often thrown the well-meaning advice. “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” “You’re a Mum and you’re doing a great job. You need some me-time.” But when you are a lone parent - there is no opportunity for me-time; it’s just not an option. The cavalry just isn’t coming. In this episode, I talk with Janis Isaman about her lone parenting journey. How in the early days, she “selfishly” had to put her needs above her son’s - just so that she could keep her own head above water. We talk about the difference between being a single parent and a lone parent. And whilst one is not better than the other … there are indeed differences. Being the captain of the ship means that you have to walk to the beat of your own drum - and Janis is OK with that. Lone parents (and single parents out there) I salute you. ~~~~ Janis Isaman, the founder of My Body Couture, helps people feel better in their bodies. Like most business owners today, she sees clients online and in-person, and her specialty is helping people rid themselves of pain. She’s highly certified in both fitness and nutrition modalities and has been quoted as a lifestyle expert in Reader’s Digest, Prevention, and Woman’s Health. But she’s not just a textbook of knowledge with a wall full of certifications. She’s a very real person, who has lived through her own lifestyle and body challenges. Janis provides practical solutions for her clients, taking the time to get to know their lifestyle challenges and provide reasonable solutions with her lively personality and approachable manner. This is a woman you want to listen to! In February 2020 Janis’s article : I’m not a Single parent—I’m a Lone parent & it’s F*cking hard. was published on Elephant Journal. Janis’ article was labelled one of the “Best of 2020 articles” and rightly so! Grab a cuppa and read the article here : 📍 https://www.elephantjournal.com/?p=2431270 Janis can be contacted through a number of channels : Website: mybodycouture.com Facebook: Facebook.com/mybodycouture Instagram: Instagram.com/mybodycouture Twitter: twitter.com/mybodycouture Elephant Journal: https://www.elephantjournal.com/author/janis_isaman/ LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jisaman YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/user/janisisaman Clubhouse: @janis ~~~~~ * Coping with your BIG Emotions : Are you or your child struggling with big emotions at the minute? There’s a lot going on in our busy lives and sometimes it can be hard to process. I have a resource that offers you tools to combat : * Overwhelm * Stress * Anxieties * Tension If you are looking for support at a deeper level for your child, then please book a call with me. Invariably they might only need a couple of sessions. But if we can give our kids the tools to improve their emotional wellbeing NOW - then you’re more likely to alleviate the longer-term damage to their mental health. 📍 www.caigraham.com/teencall ~~~~~ * Three Questions to Ask Your Uncommunicative Child : All too often parents say to me : “My child won’t speak to me” or “I know something’s not quite right - but they won’t tell me what’s wrong.” Well, I have a resource for you. Download this FREE Resource : 📍www.caigraham.com/threequestions It will help you reconnect with your child quickly and easily; and in a way that will not drive them to their bedroom to avoid you! Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website : 📍www.caigraham.com/podcast Please also have a look at my YouTube channel for additional support. 📍 www.caigraham.com/youtube * If you need to get in touch - Please email me at [email protected] Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy