EP 46 - Avril Annett - How to Support Your Child With Their “Bad Behaviour”
The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham

So many children are battling to control their BIG emotions, and I am seeing so many parents struggling to help them. Many of those parents lucky enough to avail of the support services, are saying what is offered is not sufficient; and yet many families are not being offered support at all. Kids are often labeled as badly behaved, where in actual fact the underlying reasons for this behavior are not being unearthed by the professionals. In this episode, I talk with Avril about her experience of “the system”, and how this battle with her daughter’s school and the authorities, which lasted many years, ended in a judicial review in favor of her fight for seeking recognition of her daughter’s challenges. I hope that our discussion serves as a beacon of hope for many parents who are trying to seek the support that their child so desperately needs. We also discuss Avril’s role as an Ollie COach where she now supports families with similar issues. All About Avril Avril is married with four grown-up children and a grandson who is 5. She worked as a Mental Health Nurse, but due to family commitments she became a “stay at home” mum and is now an “Ollie Coach”. Her youngest child, who is now 18, was very unhappy and extremely anxious from her first day at Primary School. She had many periods of refusing to attend school and had numerous suspensions for “bad behavior”. Avril made the decision to home school her to protect her mental health. Despite many requests for assessment and support, it was not until her daughter was 12 that a specialized assessment was carried out by a team from England. Her daughter received a diagnosis of “Asperger’s with Demand Avoidance, in which she is extreme”. Avril’s knowledge and experience as a Mental Health Nurse and as a mum to a child with additional needs attracted her to the Ollie Concept. She said, “It grasped me immediately as its core beliefs really resonated with me, especially “all behavior serves a purpose” and “there are no bad children”. It was exactly the type of therapy model that could have supported my daughter with her emotions and mental health, her siblings and us as a family.” Avril qualified as the first Ollie Coach in Northern Ireland / Ireland in May 2019. Avril can be contacted by Mobile: 07912390789 Email: avril.annett@ollieandhissuperpowers.com Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/olliecoachni LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/avrilannettolliecoachni Website: www.ollieandhissuperpowers.com General Information about Ollie Coaching The Ollie and His Super Powers Concept is about helping children, young people, and adults understand why we feel what we feel. The Super Powers are our emotions or feelings. At the heart of the Ollie, Concept is a passion for building the resilience and wellbeing of children and young people. Using a strengths-based approach, Ollie Coaching empowers children and young people to understand, manage and control their emotions rather than being controlled by them, it enables them to use the strengths and abilities that already exist inside them. They get to be in charge of their Super Powers, learning how to make an emotion bigger or smaller as needed. Ollie Coaches don’t fix problems or tell you what you have to do. They empower you to problem solve for yourself and support you to find what you already have to inside you, helping you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Ollie Coaching can offer support with anxiety, anger, fears and phobias, “challenging behaviors” and for issues around confidence and self-esteem, to name a few. ~~~~~ * Breathing Through BIG Emotions : For a limited time you can save £100 on my Online Course : Breathe Through Your Big Emotions 📍 www.caigraham.com/breathe This course offers you tools to combat : * Overwhelm * Stress * Anxieties * Tension If you are looking for support at a deeper level for your child, then please book a call with me. Invariably they might only need a couple of sessions. But if we can give our kids the tools to improve their emotional wellbeing NOW - then you’re more likely to alleviate the longer-term damage to their mental health. 📍 www.caigraham.com/teencall ~~~~~ * Three Questions to Ask Your Uncommunicative Child : All too often parents say to me : “My child won’t speak to me” or “I know something’s not quite right - but they won’t tell me what’s wrong.” Well, I have a resource for you. Download this FREE Resource : 📍www.caigraham.com/threequestions It will help you reconnect with your child quickly and easily, and in a way that will not drive them to their bedroom to avoid you! Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website : 📍www.caigraham.com/podcast Please also have a look at my YouTube channel for additional support. 📍 www.caigraham.com/youtube * If you need to get in touch - please email me at toolbox@caigraham.com Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy