EP 34 - Elena Joy Thurston - Helping Straight Parents Better Understand LGBTQ

The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham


Throughout this episode, I came from a place of learning - and Elena kindly fielded my clunky questions with kindness and compassion. We dived right in, discussing the dangers of conversion therapy (there is a 57% suicide rate with this treatment); and how this comes from wanting the ‘best for our kids’ whilst parenting from fear. 75% of women (yes - us Mums) have had a negative experience in sexuality and as a result, we are parenting from a place of deep protection and trauma.   “When fear leads the show, that's when we make decisions that are regrettable.” LGBTQ is the only marginalized communities who are not born into families who are of the same marginalized communities. The parents do not ‘get it’ and as a result need to be intentional in getting a greater understanding. Elena suggests how parents might field these conversations; and how with greater understanding and knowledge - we will be best serving ourselves and future generations by parenting and grand-parenting better in the future. ~~~ Elena Joy Thurston is an inspirational speaker and founder of the Pride and Joy Foundation. She grew up in a turbulent home, joined a conservative church as a teenager, put herself through college, married and birthed 4 beautiful children, and then.... 
 Life 2.0 brought a divorce, leaving/getting kicked out of her church, a beautiful love story, and a successful new career! Her viral TEDx talk regarding her experience with Conversion Therapy has paved the way for speaking engagements around the country.   📍https://youtu.be/rIhPZMC4UEg Audiences have included ABC, CBS, and Fox news stations, the First Event in Boston, the Seacoast Wellness Series in New Hampshire, the THRIVE conference in Utah, as well as multiple prints and online media and podcasts.   The Pride and Joy Foundation is dedicated to building self-awareness and safety in LGBTQ families and their allies.  📍 www.prideandjoyfoundation.com ~~~~~ * Three Questions to Ask Your Uncommunicative Child : All too often parents say to me : “My child won’t speak to me” or “I know something’s not quite right - but they won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

Well, I have a resource for you. 
Download this FREE Resource : 📍www.caigraham.com/threequestions It will help you reconnect with your child quickly and easily; and in a way that will not drive them to their bedroom to avoid you! * Breathing Through BIG Emotions : If you or your child are struggling with your emotions at the minute - then I have a great online course that introduces you to 7 different breathing exercises that can get you out of many sticky situations : 📍www.caigraham.com/breathe Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website : 📍www.caigraham.com/podcast * If you need to get in touch - Please email me at [email protected] Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy

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