EP 32 - Doreen Steenland - Adopting the “Coach Approach” to Parenting

The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham


How many times a day are our brains bombarded with negativity and rubbish? It affects our behavior and mood. My guest on this episode calls these intrusions, “brain hacks”; and Doreen has recently certified as an Unhackable Coach!

   In this episode, we discuss the importance for us parents to be aware of what we are being exposed to and how, by monitoring these brain hacks, we can adopt a less reactionary approach to parenting.

In turn, this awareness helps us to calmly guide our children through the myriad of daily challenges that they face throughout the adolescent years. We talk about how our kids can take ownership of their feelings and their thoughts - thus equipping them with the emotional resilience to become more responsible in their decision making. All that, and a smattering of neuroscience, this action-packed episode will help you ‘walk the talk’ and become that shining example for your children!!   BIO:  Doreen Steenland, Certified Professional Christian Life Coach: “I empower Christian Moms to launch emotionally competent world-changers who love well. My goal is for parents to become unhackable Moms who empower unhackable teens.     The Moms I work with empower their teens to block unauthorized access (brain hack) to their thoughts and emotions! They raise teens that know what they believe, who are comfortable in their skin, and have amazing social skills that will impact influence, and lead others so they can change the world! I believe growing the next generation in emotional intelligence will be the key to making lasting changes worldwide.”   Doreen lives in the United States with her husband Richard and is the owner of Living Full Life Coaching.  She’s Mom to three amazing young adults, one who has launched at 23 and she truly gets that parenting is messy! When she is not coaching parents, she is golf, walking, biking, or hiking! Living Full Life Coaching https://LivingFullLifeCoaching.com FREEBIES:  https://LivingFullLifeCoaching.com/five-days-to-get-your-teen https://LivingFullLifeCoaching.com/relevant-prayers-for-real-life ~~~~~ * Three Questions to Ask Your Uncommunicative Child : All too often parents say to me : “My child won’t speak to me” or “I know something’s not quite right - but they won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

Well, I have a resource for you. 
Download this FREE Resource : 📍www.caigraham.com/threequestions It will help you reconnect with your child quickly and easily; and in a way that will not drive them to their bedroom to avoid you! * Breathing Through BIG Emotions : If you or your child are struggling with your emotions at the minute - then I have a great online course that introduces you to 7 different breathing exercises that a can get you out of many sticky situations : 📍www.caigraham.com/breathe Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website : 📍www.caigraham.com/podcast * If you need to get in touch - Please email me at [email protected] Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy

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