EP 21 - Natalie Syrmopolous - Adapting to the New Parenting Paradigm

The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham


Our childhood experiences stem from the old Parenting Paradigm - that one of “Children should be seen and not heard.” Much has shifted since then.

Natalie says “Kids’ temperaments are more robust now and this often makes parents quite uncomfortable.”

We have never been taught how to parent – so on the back of that - how can we ensure that our kids flourish? Natalie says that unconditional love is the answer.

Listen to this episode where we discuss Natalie’s 5 Step Process to More Evolved Parenting “

1. Awareness: we are our child’s frontal lobe, so we need to be aware of how we are parenting.
2. Acceptance: acknowledging, without judgment that whilst we are where we are right now, there is still an opportunity for change. This involves displaying compassion and forgiveness, not only for our child but for ourselves.
3. Practice: things won't fall into place immediately, but whilst we are adapting, we can celebrate the little wins as and when we notice them. Crucially, feeling those positive emotions makes it easier for the brain to remember what to do next time!
4. Believe: Tricking the brain doesn’t work - we need to believe that we are capable of change.
5. Seek Support: when you are having a wobble - find the right people who will help you and support you along the way.

Natalie is an entrepreneur, co-author, and coach with a background in psychology, business, and education. She is the founder and curator for the Evolving Summit Series, an online symposium geared to help people live their fullest potential.

As a mom of two young kids, Natalie strives to guide the next generation to Evolve, while aiming to support your journey.

Website and Media links:
Website: www.evolvingwithnatalie.com 
Facebook link: @evolvingsummitseries   or  @evolvingnatalie
Instagram: @evolvinghumanitysummit
Gifts for your audience:
FREE digital copy of Ignite Love: a book in which Natalie has recently collaborated
📍URL:  https://evolvingwithnatalie.com/about-us/#lovelife


If you need to get in touch - Please email me at [email protected]

If Anxiety Levels are running high in your home - then I have a couple of resources for you:

My Anxiety course provides you with support by:

* Recognising the triggers
* Understanding Anxiety - and why we don’t want to get rid of it altogether
* Learning a couple of techniques to help you stop a panic attack in it’s tracks
* How as a parent, you can support your anxious child


If you or your child are struggling with your emotions at the minute - then I have a great online course that introduces you to 7 different breathing exercises that a can get you out of many sticky situations :


Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website :

Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy

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