EP 08 - Managing Your Anxiety Levels
The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham

We find ourselves in strange times at the minute. Parenting is very different.
Globally, many countries are in lockdown, in a bid to ‘Beat The Coronavirus’.
I have decided to start this podcast with a COVID-19 Series where I support parents throughout this time. This episode helps you if you are raising teenagers.
Many parents are telling me that their anxiety levels are heightened during this time of uncertainty of Coronavirus.
In this episode, I explain why this is totally normal - and to be expected.
I also explain why we only want to MANAGE our anxiety and not get rid of it altogether.
The problems only arise when our Anxiety gets out of hand and starts to impact our daily lives.
Here I run you through 2 scientifically proven and evidence-based techniques that help manage your anxiety effectively. They are both children friendly.
Younger kids prefer the ROLLERCOASTER Method
Teenagers often use the TAPPING Approach.
Should you require more support then I have a couple of fo online resources that will also help.
My Anxiety course provides you with support by:
✔️ Recognizing the triggers, understanding Anxiety - and why we don’t want to get rid of it altogether
Learning a couple of techniques to help you stop a panic attack in its tracks
How as a parent, you can support your anxious child
For a 25% saving: Please use the code: MYSAVING25 at checkout. (Valid till end of May 2020)
If you or your child are struggling with your emotions at the minute - then I have a great online course that introduces you to 7 different breathing exercises that a can get you out of many sticky situations :
For a 25% saving : Please use the code : MYSAVING25 at checkout. (Valid till end of May 2020)
Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website :
Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy