EP 03 - COVID 19 - Supporting an Elderly Relative
The Parent & Teen Toolbox - En podcast av Cai Graham

This episode is for those of us who are Supporting Elderly Relatives during The Coronavirus.
Globally, many countries are in lockdown, in a bid to ‘Beat The Coronavirus’.
I have decided to start this podcast with a COVID-19 Series where I support parents throughout this time.
This episode helps you if you are juggling family life at home and you need some guidance during this pandemic. This is an extraordinary time in our journey through parenthood, and to some extent, we are making up the rules as we go along.
If you are part of the sandwich generation like me, not only do you have kids ( be they tweens or teens ) but you will also have elderly parents or relatives who might need attention too.
In this episode, I discuss some of the practicalities that might help you and your loved ones cope with the coronavirus disruptions.
Parenting teenagers and younger children have their own challenges - and now, to some extent, you might feel you are having to parent the older generation as well.
I’m glad you’re here.
I have a handout that accompanies this episode and it can be downloaded from my website :
Anxiety levels are understandable, heightened in this current climate.
My Anxiety course provides you with support by :
✔️ Recognizing the triggers
- Understanding Anxiety - and why we don’t want to get rid of it altogether
- Learning a couple of techniques to help you stop a panic attack in its tracks
✔️ How as a parent, you can support your anxious child
For a 25% saving : Please use the code : MYSAVING25 at checkout. (Valid till end of May 2020)
If you or your child are struggling with your emotions at the minute - then I have a great online course that introduces you to 7 different breathing exercises that a can get you out of many sticky situations :
For a 25% saving : Please use the code : MYSAVING25 at checkout. (Valid till end of May 2020)