Ep.77 Petal By Petal Pt.1

The Odd Man Out - En podcast av The Odd Man Out


This week we continue the Illuminated Institutions series, and take a look at the Rosicrucian group AMORC as well as some key Rosicrucian beliefs, and practices. I delve into the writings a former long time member, and see what he has to say, and discuss how currently he, and his books are nearly impossible to find. So without hesitation, let's get on down that rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream as peel off the petals one by one of the Brotherhood of The Rosy Cross, shall we?    Cheers, and Blessings   AMORCAncient Mystical Order Rosae CrucisAMORC was founded by former Ordo Templi Orientis Grand Magus Spencer Lewis. According to author Joel Levy, Louis had been an advertising executive and he used his skills to build AMORC into an international success story opening branches in France and forging links with German societies eventually attracting over 250,000 members. He used the order's growing income to build a college, & planetarium at its headquarters in San Jose California along with a highly respected Egyptian museum that houses an important collection of ancient artifacts. Levy goes on to say: Spencer Lewis himself built up a fascination with the lost continent of Lemuria imagined by Helena Blavatsky, & the Theosophical Society as a counterpart of Atlantis where previous races of humans had acted out millions of years of history before our own era. This led to the bazaar belief that Lemurian super beings in magically powered flying saucers lived within California's Mount Shasta and AMORC sponsored several expeditions in the area in the 1930s to hunt for secret cities below the mountain."This is related to the New Age idea that the Ascended Masters dwell on Mount ShastaSpencer's Lewis's Remains Are at the San Jose compound.Criticisms against Harvey Spencer Lewis and the Principles of Rosicrucianismhttps://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/criticisms-against-harvey-spencer-lewis-and-the-principles-of-rosicrucianism/There are links, & cross influences between Rosicrucianism, the mystical side of freemasonry, alchemy, Astrology hermetic philosophy the western mystery tradition the philosophy and esoteric Christianity. And out of all these was born the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. David B. Barrett Secret religions.To the Rosicrucians, the letters INRI (which is a sacred word in their order) & appeared on the cross of Jesus Christ signified ige natura regenerando integrat = through fire, nature is reborn whole. By 1622, as recorded in THE MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS, and in numerous other places," ... the inhabitants of Paris woke to find the walls of their city covered with posters bearing the following message: 'We, deputies of the principal College of the Brethren of the Rose Cross (Rosicrucians) are amongst you in this town, visibly and invisibly, through the grace of the Most High to whom the hearts of all just men are turned, in order to save our fellow-men from the error of death.God is referred to as "The Cosmic"AMORC speaks of the seven true mystical organizations, which are all from seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe. The only ones of these that are still in existence are AMORC and the Freema­sons. But according to AMORC, the modem Freemasons are a "sleepy organization," meaning that they are not the authentic organization they ought to be. Thus, AMORC claims to be the only true representa­tion of a mystical organization on Earth. There are twelve temple degrees.Introductory LessonsIllusory Nature ofTime and SpaceHuman Consciousness and Cosmic ConsciousnessRosicrucian Technique of MeditationDevelopment of the IntuitionIntroduction to: Human Aura,Telepathy, Metaphysical Healing, Mystical Sounds, Spiritual Alchemy1st AtriumStructure and Composition of Matter Power of ThoughtThe Creative Power of Visualization Mental Projection andTelepathyLaw of the Triangle2nd AtriumOrigin of DiseasesInfluence of Thoughts on Health Mystical Art of BreathingRosicrucian Healing Treatments Perception of the AuraAwak

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