Ep. 133 The Con-Con Con
The Odd Man Out - En podcast av The Odd Man Out
There's a movement going around in Conservative, quasi-Libertarian, & even Younk Turk Libby circles called a Constitutional Convection, Convention Of states, or Con-Con, but is it a way to hold #GovtCorp in check, or hand them even more power by bypassing Constitutional Law? Let's take a look by going deep down the rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream! Cheers, and Blessings Support My Work Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Show Notes Robert Brown On The Dangers of a Constitutional Convention https://youtu.be/fTUlAPWdN-A Alec and Article V https://newswithviews.com/alec-global-corporations-state-legislators-and-an-article-v-convention/ Behind The Deep State | Convention of States: Deep State Plan to Overthrow Constitution? https://www.podbean.com/ei/dir-43tci-12e3cc08 The Scaife Family was one of the initial funders of the secretive Right-leaning Council For National Policy(CNP) along with blasphemous Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Koch Bros, and Mercers. Nearly every mainstream Conservative belongs to this group. If all is in the up, & up, why the secrecy? In 2021, Scaife donated $400,000 to the Reason Foundation, $180,000 to The CATO institute, $350,000 To The Daily Caller News Foundation, $800,000 to The Heritage Foundation, & several hundred thousand to the American Enterprise Institute(AEI) just to name a few. http://scaife.com/sarah2021.pdf The Mercer Family Foundation is also a premier donor to The Council For National Policy, Cato Institute, Media Research Center, Heritage, Federalist Society, & Reason Foundation to name just a handful. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Mercer_Family_Foundation According to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2016 Mercer gave some $25 million to conservative groups and candidates, including President Trump. Last year, he was also one of the 10 biggest political donors in the country, alongside better-known figures such as George Soros, Sheldon Adelson and Mike Bloomberg. 2017 https://clips.cato.org/sites/default/files/Cato_nprkuar_mercer.pdf CATO Funders, Even Soros, Carnegie, Ford Foundation! https://www.forbes.com/sites/lauriebennett/2012/03/13/the-kochs-arent-the-only-funders-of-cato/?sh=7d14fcc12096 79 other foundations who funded CATO https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Cato_Institute/2007_Foundation_Funders COS Founder, & Yizzy https://conventionofstates.com/news/how-a-trip-to-israel-changed-mark-meckler-s-worldview Mark Meckler-ZioShillenstein https://selfgovern.com/jewish-americans-must-take-a-stand-now/ Marck Meckler Breitbart Writer https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2014/02/10/article-v-an-emergency-solution-hidden-in-plain-sight/ Mark Meckler Member Of ALEC, & COS Director https://alec.org/person/mark-meckler/ COS https://securetherepublic.com/blog/2013/12/08/exposing-the-convention-of-the-states-cos-as-an-article-v-constitutional-convention/ A Convention of States is The Last Thing America Needs https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/380467-a-convention-of-states-is-the-last-thing-america-needs-right-now/ https://alphanews.org/counterpoint-convention-of-the-state-is-a-bad-idea/ Who's Funding It? the American Legislative Exchange Council and the Koch brothers https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Convention_of_States_Action Dark Money Behind Convention Of States http://campconstitution.net/dark-money-scam-behind-concon-convention-of-states-by-andy-schlafly/ Council For National Policy(CNP) Member Lists https://documented.net/investigations/documented-has-obtained-a-recent-council-for-national-policy-membership-list It's been so long since the average person has heard the whole truth on an issue, on the rare occasions they do, their first reaction is like they've just been insulted. Remember that top supporters of COS like Levin, Prager, Hannity, & Shapiro pushed multiple Unconstitutional Wars, & also they love to talk a big ga