S4E54: Lent, Easter, and “Ourselves” with Anne White
The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins - En podcast av Cindy Rollins - Torsdagar

...to be born a human being is like coming into a very great estate; so much in the way of goodness, greatness, heroism, wisdom, and knowledge, is possible to us all. Charlotte Mason, Ourselves, Book 1 Show Summary: Today’s returning guest is Anne White, veteran homeschool mom, author, and member of the AmblesideOnline Advisory Anne’s history with Lent and how she and her family started observing the seasons of the church year What is different about Charlotte Mason’s book Ourselves than her other volumes? How might Ourselves be used in the homeschool? How Anne went on her own journey in writing Offering Ourselves What are some of Anne’s family traditions for Lent and Easter? How the AmblesideOnline Advisory created a new resource page for the Easter season Books and Links Mentioned: Offering Ourselves: A Lenten Journey with Charlotte Mason by Anne White Honest, Simple Souls by Anne White Studying to Be Quiet: One Hundred Days of Keeping by Laurie Bestvater 100 Days of Keeping Invitation Ourselves by Charlotte Mason The Story of Charlotte Mason by Essex Cholmondeley AmblesideOnline’s new Easter/Resurrection Idea page Ideas Freely Sown by Anne White The Practical Plutarch by Anne White Find Cindy and Anne: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Anne Writes Anne’s Author Page on Amazon Anne’s Blog: Dewey’s Treehouse