Magical Home Birth with a Shoulder Dystocia
The Natural Birth Podcast - En podcast av Anna The Spiritual Midwitch - Söndagar

Today on The Natural Birth Podcast we have Stella. Stella is a mama of two from Florida, USA. She works in the health & wellness space and lives a natural, holistic lifestyle. She went from being terrified of birth, thinking she would never have children because of her fears, to having two beautiful home births in the house built by her and her husband. Her first birth was long and challenging, but she reached her goal of having an unmedicated home birth. But she still felt like something was missing, there were some things that happened during her first birth that she didn’t want for her second, and she didn't have the euphoric birth experience that she knew was possible from all of the birth stories she had listened to. She decided to go for an independent home birth midwife instead of the birth center she did the first time. Her second birth was fast, magical, and practically pain-free even though she had a shoulder dystocia. She shares all about how she faced her fears, how she prepared for each of her birth experiences and the pearls of wisdom she learned from each one. She did a full 180 and is now fully obsessed with birth. This episode is sponsored by Informed Pregnancy Plus. Try Informed Pregnancy Plus absolutely free of charge. Just visit and start watching these inspiring documentaries and films already today. Find All of Anna’s Links & Resources here: