IVF Pregnancy to Natural Pregnancy to Unassisted Home Birth
The Natural Birth Podcast - En podcast av Anna The Spiritual Midwitch - Söndagar

Today on The Natural Birth Podcast we have Aubrey.
Aubrey is a mama of two from New Jersey, USA.
She has had two natural births with two completely different experiences.
Her first bubba was conceived with the help of IVF and her birth was a hospital transfer from a birth center. It was over 24 hours long, exhausting, and looking back Aubrey could see that she was scared and alone for almost all of it. She had meconium present when the midwife offered to break her water during transition which meant a hospital transfer.
She still managed to birth naturally and was so very proud of that and thankful for the angel nurse that stepped in and guided her through the last stages before meeting her daughter.
When her baby girl was 8 months old she found out she was pregnant again! Which was a HUGE shock.
It took weeks to sink in that it was really happening again.
Her and her husband had gone through IVF with their first due to her husband’s sperm quality.
And since her husband had worked incredibly hard on his fertility with lifestyle changes and it obviously had such a great effect on him that it resulted in their little boy being made.
Aubrey wanted his birth to be different and she is so incredibly thankful to share that it was.
She wrote to me that ”Thanks to your podcast. Seriously Anna, it was all thanks to you and everything I learned from the incredible Mamas you have hosted!!”
And of course it wasn't all thanks to me. But I just love these messages and it reaffirms the power of storytelling!
This time there were absolutely no cervical checks, no breaking waters and no birth centers.
For her baby boy's birth there were independent midwives, plenty of room for fears to heal, incredibly loving prenatal care, connection to her husband, and space for his birth to be sacred and special in her own home.
He was born ten minutes before the midwife’s arrival and there was no drama to it.
It was peaceful and they loved that it was just them.
They had all of the support they needed over the phone and they just let birth be birth.
Curious about Aubrey? Find her on Instagram as @aubreylofreddo
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