040 - Kindness
The Messy Bun Podcast - En podcast av Penny Allen and Stephanie Wood

We all agree that kindness is important. We all want our teen daughters to be kind. But what does that really mean? And how do we really live a life of kindness without getting burned out or taken advantage of? The difference between being nice and being kind Being kind in your own unique way Kindness is powerful Resources: Harvard Health, The Heart and Science of Kindness, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-heart-and-science-of-kindness-2019041816447 Project Happiness, The Difference Between Being Nice and Being Kind, https://shop.projecthappiness.org/blogs/project-happiness/the-difference-between-being-nice-and-being-kind Fatherly, Nice vs Kind, https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/nice-vs-kind-big-difference-why-it-matters/#:~:text=Being%20nice%20is%20easy.,Being%20kind%20takes%20work.&text=The%20way%20that%20we%20think,%2C%20you're%20being%20nice. PBS, The Science of Kindness: It's Not Easy Being Nice, https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/blog/the-science-of-kindness-its-not-easy-being-nice/ Louder Minds, Michele Connolly, Stop Being So Damn Nice, https://louderminds.com/kind-introvert-nice/ Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection