013 - Nutrition in Teen Athletes
The Messy Bun Podcast - En podcast av Penny Allen and Stephanie Wood

This episode is all about talking to your teen athlete about what she eats. We both have teen athletes and are passionate about helping our daughters fuel their bodies so they can perform their best. Say no to diets. What happens when teen athletes don't eat enough Female Athlete Triad Syndrome Tips to make sure your teen athlete gets enough food Eat to fuel your body. Carbs, Fats, Proteins - all necessary, all good. Fueling before and after a workout Be cautious of supplements. Risks of different supplements RESOURCES: Eat Right: Teen Nutrition for All Sports https://www.eatright.org/fitness/sports-and-performance/fueling-your-workout/teen-nutrition-for-fall-sports Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works, Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA, CEDRD, https://www.amazon.com/Intuitive-Eating-Revolutionary-Program-Works/dp/B009LB5MFM/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=intuitive+eating&qid=1588472151&sr=8-3 Web MD: Teen Athletes Often Use Creatine https://www.webmd.com/children/news/20010807/teen-athletes-often-use-creatine#2 Kids Health: A Guide to Eating for Sports (for teens) https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/eatnrun.html?ref=search Mayo Clinic: Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Teen Athletes https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/tween-and-teen-health/in-depth/performance-enhancing-drugs/art-20046620 URMC: Amenorrhea in Teens https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=90&ContentID=p01579 NPR: To Thrive, Many Young Female Athletes Need a Lot More Food https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/08/31/435294539/to-thrive-many-young-female-athletes-need-a-lot-more-food