107 How Your Internal Dialog Confuses Simple Communication With Your Child

The Language of Play - Kids that Listen, Speech Therapy, Language Development, Early Intervention - En podcast av Dinalynn Rosenbush, SLP | Speech Pathologist, Parent Mentor, Communication with Kids - Torsdagar

Hey Friends ~ According to research a small amount of our communication is actually the words that we say.  Our tone, gestures, and our internal emotions communicated a vast amount to our children.   Children pick up on our internal energy when we speak. If inside, you are full of self-criticism, while your words say, I love you , the kids can feel confusion. They get a mixed message. !! And they react to the confusion !! Today we’re going to talk about our mixed messages that create communication confusion, simply due to the energy you bring to the interaction. Then strategies to help both you and your child.   Note:  If you like this this episode, you will LOVE Thursday's episode with Expert: Dewey Kraus giving us strategies on Self-Compassion in parenting.     Always cheering you on!  Dinalynn   CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:  [email protected]   RESOURCES from The Language Of Play Sign up for my newsletter! Join my new FREE Facebook Community HERE! to join a new community where you are free to ask questions, make friends, and we learn from each other! Sign up for a 15 min zoom Session!  ("Let's Meet Session") For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected] Related or Mentioned Episodes:  06 Helping Kids Share Thoughts, Feelings and Ideas 26 Four Strategies to Create Frustration Tolerance in Children 33 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 6: BiG EMoTioNS! 4 things to ask yourself before you respond  

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